
December 15, 2018

The Winner You must hate me, You must want to end me, You must want to torture me, No matter what you do, I will win  I will survive I will conquer I will defeat you So try your best, I will be victorious, So good luck.

December 15, 2018

The Meaning Love, life, death, All just words, Why do they mean so much. Hate, Ugly, stupid, All just words, Why do they hurt so much. Words hurt, But why? They don't mean anything, Why do we make them mean everything?

December 15, 2018

I'll Find You I lost you, They found me. I try to find you, They keep me away. I love you, They hate me. I dream of finding you, They torture me. But I keep trying  I keep wishing I keep dreaming.

December 15, 2018

Why Me Why me, You could have chosen anyone but,  why me You love her but you chose me, why me You want her but you chose me, why me You need her but you chose me, why me.

December 10, 2018

In My Dreams. You,  Me,  Us. We will never be together But people may dream. I wish you would notice me, But hey, people can dream. I Dream, I only Dream.

December 10, 2018

Love Love, a strong feeling of affection, something that is taken for granted, something I feel for you, something you feel for me, something we share, something we fear, something we don't understand, but something we feel for each other, something that will strive for ever.

December 10, 2018

The Other  He talks to me, you don't. He laughs with me, you don't. He jokes with me, you don't. He smiles with me, you don't. He's caring, your not. But I love you both. No matter what, I will always be there for YOU, and HE  will always be there for me.